We are so happy to announce our latest additions to our 24/7 Stampers group! Khris, Karen and Patti have joined our group.
They were so smart! They took advantage of Stampin’ Up!’s offer to get a Stampin’ Up! Starter Kit full of their choice of $155 in product for just $99. (Normally $125 in product.)
- Become a part of our 24/7 Stampers Family.
- Free Shipping! Then 20% minimum off your orders.
- No sales required, but feel free to share with your friends.
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Grab your wish list and your personal information and get started here in minutes.
It all ends today! 11pm Pawcific Time.
That’s midnight Mountain Time. 1am Central Time. 2am Eastern Time and in Puerto Rico.
And it’s the last day to use the $5 coupons that you earned when you shopped with us last month.
Don’t wait until the last minute. And do it on your home computer. That works better than a phone or a tablet. Of course, you can call Ann to help you if a home computer isn’t possible.
Today’s Card
Ann did an experiment last night and I think it’s going to be her next Master Stamper project.
Click on the card to see a bigger picture. Isn’t it awesome? She made a cool starry night. I hope she can recreate it for the video. (Become a Master Stamper here and get access to over 265 projects with video and written instruction.
We didn’t get the Over the Moon set right away. When it came last week, we had to put it in a holding area so it would be ready for us to use.
And the cows and stars came out last night!
I like that cow! And he moos such good stuff! He’s so whimsical!

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