I’m thinking that many of you are treating your own favorite huMAN to a nice day today.

  • Maybe it’s dinner or lunch out.
  • Maybe you’re running the BBQ this time.
  • Maybe you washed his car.  (Go do that if you forgot a gift.)
  • I HOPE you made a card for him!

If I could give my favorite huMAN anything, it would be this.

Golden State Warriors

I would be sure that Steph Curry wins the NBA Playoffs tonight.  They should’ve done it in one of the last two games.

Even if you don’t like basketball, it should be pretty exciting at 5pm Pawcific Daylight Time tonight.

I’ll show you his card tomorrow because it’s a generic style that could be used for lots of things.

He knows we think he’s pretty special.  And I’ll make sure of that today.

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Happy Father’s Day!