Are you having a holiday today? Let’s make a card together!

That’s one thing that Ann’s always liked about her birthday – there’s always a 3 day weekend on or near her birthday.

And this weekend is it!

Let’s Make a Card Together!

So today at 1pm Pawcific, we’ll be meeting on YouTube and Facebook to make a card with you!

Let's Make a Card

Just 2 Days Left

This Saturday we’re getting together to celebrate Ann’s birthday and we’ve got just a few spots left. Almost everyone who attended our last Mystery Card Party is returning. The few that aren’t have contacted us to save their spot for next time.

Grab a spot here before registration closes.

So we have a few seats left and we think you should try it! It must be if almost all of our previous partyers are coming back. (Schedule doesn’t always work for everyone.)

The $15 fee is for the Mystery Card class/party. But all the money collected goes towards the prizes that we give away during the games half of the party. (Last time we gave away almost $300 in prizes – and everyone wins a prize!)

We’ll be doing it on Facebook this time and comparing it to our Zoom experience.

Register here before all the spots are gone as registration closes Wednesday.

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