Are you having a holiday today? Let’s make a card together!
That’s one thing that Ann’s always liked about her birthday – there’s always a 3 day weekend on or near her birthday.
And this weekend is it!
Let’s Make a Card Together!
So today at 1pm Pawcific, we’ll be meeting on YouTube and Facebook to make a card with you!
Just 2 Days Left
This Saturday we’re getting together to celebrate Ann’s birthday and we’ve got just a few spots left. Almost everyone who attended our last Mystery Card Party is returning. The few that aren’t have contacted us to save their spot for next time.

So we have a few seats left and we think you should try it! It must be if almost all of our previous partyers are coming back. (Schedule doesn’t always work for everyone.)
The $15 fee is for the Mystery Card class/party. But all the money collected goes towards the prizes that we give away during the games half of the party. (Last time we gave away almost $300 in prizes – and everyone wins a prize!)
We’ll be doing it on Facebook this time and comparing it to our Zoom experience.
Register here before all the spots are gone as registration closes Wednesday.
Copy & Use U2SF7D3C when you shop

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