Years ago, Ann and I did video gift certificates. She hasn’t done them for years. The old dog had appeared enough.

But now we have the new apprentice, Domino! And everyone loves a puppy!

So Ann and Domino will be doing video gift certificates for your loved ones to get for you. Or perhaps you’d want to get one for your friend.

But Today is the Last Day!


Here’s How It Works

  • Contact Ann today with Gift Certificate in the subject.
  • After payment is received, Ann and Domino will record a personal greeting based on the information you give us.
  • Once finished (on or before Thursday, 12/23/21), Ann will send the link for the video to the person who ordered it so that they can give it to the recipient. They can watch it together or separately so both the sender and the recipient can enjoy the fun.
  • There is no paper certificate. Ann will keep our list on file until all gift certificates are used.

Just be sure to contact us today!

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