Have you made time to hang out with us on our Wednesday Stamp and Chat? We really should call it Stamp, Laugh, and Chat because there is a lot of laughter.

We hope you can make it today at 1pm Pawcific Time. When is that where you are? Your time zone should be on this list somewhere.

  • 2pm in Hawaii
  • 4pm in most of Alaska
  • 5pm Pawcific Time & Arizona
  • 6pm Mountain Time
  • 7pm Central Time
  • 8pm Eastern Time and in Puerto Rico
Stamp and Chat

Here’s Where to Find Us

You can join us at either of these spots – whichever works best for you.

Take Advantage of Our Secret Special

We’re not advertising our Secret Special, but if you shop in our online store and use the posted code, ZYCFTN6G you’ll definitely get all the perks. (Don’t use it for orders $150+. You’ll still get the special.)

Shop with Stamper Dog

We can’t wait to see you at the Stamp & Chat!