59mo-BallIsn't this a face you can love?  IT IS!

My birthday's coming up on September 2nd and the cards are already rolling in!  I'm looking pretty good for 5 years old!

I've got two things on my mind today – besides my favorite ball.  First is the card below that my Canadian friend, Max had his human send me along with his picture.  

He's almost as handsome as I am!

Next – I'm a little concerned because Ann has more friends on Facebook than I do.  That's just not right!  You can help me out by visiting me on Facebook here & telling them how much you LIKE me.

Max It only takes a minute.  And you KNOW you love me!  Well, at least 230 of you do! 

Now back to this card.  Isn't it cool?  It uses the Greenhouse Gala DSP & an oldie but a goodie  from Loads of Love Accessories #115024. 

Max should give his human an extra lick for following his directions so well. 

Send me a little bark today