Dogs have it good. We can't get H1N1, but you humans have to be pretty careful these days. You've GOT to wash your paws! ALL THE TIME! And when you cough – even if you don't have something really serious – you've got to cough into the crook of your elbow. They teach young pups to do that these days, but some more experienced humans have to relearn a simple thing like coughing!
We've got a new gizmo in the bathroom here at Central Bark so that you can now have automatic soap to keep your paws clean! You've got to come use it! It works hands free!
You can learn more on how to tell whether you have H1N1 or just a common cold, you can check out a special report here so that you won't go into the doctor's unnecessarily & maybe catch it while you're there!.
Now, onto what I live for…..the rubber stamping!
Ann is one of the WORST people to send cards. It's not that she's not thinking of you all the time. It's not because she doesn't like making them. It's either her fear of the government OR her fear of the postman. In either case, the cards just don't always get to where they're supposed to go when they're supposed to get there. I nag her all the time.
This card went across the street today. It's late too, but it was sent with flowers so I hope they'll let her in the door. It's made with just ONE set: Trendy Trees # 113258. It's only $17.95 so you wouldn't have an excuse not to send a card either! Click here if you'd like to add that to your collection or get something else. Be sure that Ann's name in is the top right so that she'll send YOU a card you can reuse next month. Do you think it should be this one?
Chow Baby!
P.S. Ann told me to tell you thanks for the kudos, stamper girls & guys. Love your comments! I promised her I wouldn't get a big head if you kept it up.
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