Stampin’ Up! released their long last chance list. After we took out all the French items, it was still 206 items long!

Here are Some Savings Tips!

Find the items here. Please copy and paste this code PSXWCCSG for a small gift sent in your thank you card.
(Don’t use it if you’re purchasing $150+. We’ll still include the gift.)

♦ Be aware that bundled items may be cheaper if you purchase them separately so be sure to check!

♦ If you can’t find something in the online store, it is gone for good. If it says unavailable, they are bringing more in soon.

Almost half of the items are 40% off or more. (94 out of 206)

♦ Rather than print a huge list (which we may do later), here’s a small list of what’s on low inventory in the wee hours of this morning. (Click on any of the pictures below & the host code will be added if they are still in stock.)

Let’s Make a Card!

We’re going live today with more savings tips at 2pm Pawcific Time

  • Noon in Hawaii
  • 1pm in most of Alaska
  • 2pm Pawcific Time
  • 3pm Mountain Time and Arizona
  • 4pm Central Time
  • 5pm Eastern Time
  • 6pm in Puerto Rico
Shop with Stamper Dog