I'”m sure that you don’t have to ask “what is Patriot Day”. but if you don’t know, it’s not a Federal holiday. It’s meant as a day of service and rememberance.

It’s not to be confused with Patriots’ Day which is the 3rd Monday of April. According to my Uncle Google, Patriots’ Day – the one in April – commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord which were fought near Boston.

This pup was born years after September 11, 2001, but Ann told me how she remembered waking up to awful pictures on the television. That was when she worked in the real world and scheduled commercials on TV. Her office was near the capitol building in Sacramento so they told her not to come in.

Everything was in an uproar.

I’m sure you remember where you were too.

So our day of rememberance here at Central Bark, we’re doing what we can to serve you. Ann is feeling better and we’ve got things to stamp and Sweet Treats to prepare.

What a Great Day for a Fresh Start

I asked fans of my Facebook page what kind of coloring they like to do. It reminded me that I hadn’t had Ann color anything recently.

We’ve been holding off using our truck set because the coordinating punch is not available until mid-October. But if I were you, I’d get the Trucking Along stamp set now and then get the punch later.

Patriot Day
Patriot Day

Online Exclusives

That way you’ll be sure to be able to get them both. Because stamps, punches, dies and papers that do not appear in a catalog are called Online Exclusives and can stop being available for purchase at any time.

It’s a way that Stampin’ Up! can offer more items for all of us. Isn’t that great?

Patriot Day
Patriot Day

Here are the things that we used for this card that are “online exclusives” that do not appear in any catalogs. We’ll put the rest of the supplies we used farther down.

Tomorrow’s a Big Day

This week, there should be some things coming in to restock inventory that we ran short of last week. And tomorrow Ann will be going live at 2pm Pawcific. Tomorrow is also the last day that you can register for Thursday night’s Stamp & Play Day. So do it quick so you can win one of our great shopping sprees or a set of Subtles Markers.

Here’s What Else We Used

But I’ll bet that you’d like to know what we used for supplies.

So before we share the picture list, I want to be sure you know what we give all our online shoppers.

  • All online shoppers get a handmade reusable card in your mailbox.
  • And at least 4 free project tutorials in your inbox.
  • Add a sampling of current product when you use the current code D2HU79ZK . (Copy it just in case.)
    • Don’t use the code if your order is $150+ so you can enjoy Stampin’ Rewards. You’ll still get it all.
  • Track your purchases with this form and earn free stamps and dies exclusively from me and Ann. Plus we’ll send you our next mini catalogs with even more ideas.

Remember that you save 10% when you take a bundle option when available.

Shop with Stamper Dog