February is always an exciting time around Central Bark. It kick off with the SuperBowl and Ann’s Stampaversary. And it ends with Ann’s birthday.

Yes, February is all about Ann and last night was a great start with our local stamp club. Here is one of the cards they made using both sides of the popular Dainty Flowers 12″x12″ patterned paper that you can get free right now with a $50 order.

How cool is that when you can just cut 1-1/2″ strips and use both sides for the same card! Especially when they’re so different!

Ann hadn’t really used this popular paper so we wanted to be sure to share it before it’s sold out. The same thing goes for those Pastel Adhesive Backed Sequins.

They went perfectly together with the Fresh Freesia and Rich Razzleberry that we had planned.

Ann will be sharing more about this Stampaversary over on Facebook – either on our page or in our VIP client group. Are you part of the Dog Pound? It’s a private Facebook group open to our online shoppers.

Happy Stampaversary
Happy Stampaversary

You might think that a Thinking of You card isn’t appropriate to celebrate a Stampaversary, but it’s been 24 years! And 16 of that, I was with her!

I Think She’s Earned a Happy Stampaversary

After 24 years, I think she’s earned being able to share anything she wants to celebrate – including this!

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This is even a sweeter deal than when she started. And when she started, the kit was around $300 out of pocket. And she only planned on doing one stamp party a month because she didn’t want to buy it all herself.

I’m certainly glad she changed her mind about that.

Her kit was pretty rigid. But now you can pretty much get anything you want that’s in a current catalog. And you can include some unreleased things that won’t be available to the public until next month.

But It All Ends February 28th

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Do it today and you can have the same stampaversary as Ann! Wouldn’t that be cool!

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