I don’t know if you were aware of this. Most people never noticed. But the Bunches of Fun stamp set had a misspelled word in it.
In all of Ann’s 22 years, she doesn’t remember it ever happening. I only noticed it because it had a dog in the stamp set. If you click on the picture below, you might see it. It’s pretty subtle and they haven’t fixed the graphic yet.
But they did fix the stamp set! I’m going to order one for Ann too.
Do you see it? Once you see it, you won’t be able to unsee it. It’s on page 41 of your catalog.
Last Day to Save!
Today is the last day you can get $50 of free product when you order $250. That’s 20%! At $300, you’ll get $60.
Its a pretty sweet deal and it all ends tonight at 11pm Pawcific Time (Midnight Mountain Time).
And Then There’s the Last Chance List
We’ll be back to our regular schedule starting Wednesday. Ann’s been visiting one of my favorite humans to celebrate his high school graduation, but it’s time for her to get back to work.

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