Did you know that the current catalog is going away on May 3rd? That means it’s time to stock up on color!
I usually bark more about this throughout Sale-a-Bration, but this time I waited until the end.
Why stock up on color now?
Well, it’s not just any color. Everyone will be wanting to get the retiring IN Colors once the retiring lists come out in a couple weeks.
Instead of waiting until then, why not stock up on these colors now while you can get free Designer Series Paper and stamps with your purchase?

Stock up on the ones you want to use for a long time:
- Ink pads & refills (except for Purple Posy)
- Cardstock
- Markers
- Stampin’ Blends
- Ribbons
- Designer Papers that have these colors in them
- Embellishments
If you wait until the retirement list comes out, it will be a mad rush. But this week, you’ll be able to stock up and get to choose your bonus! Like the free Designer Series Paper we used to make this card at Ann’s Birthday Mystery Card Party.
It All Ends Sunday
Yes, your opportunity to get free Sale-a-Bration bonuses go away on Sunday. I suspect that it will be quite the traffic jam on Sunday so shop early!
And don’t forget the business opportunity!
Of course, you can get more information here.
You’ll get more than just free stamps when you stock up on your colors. You’ll also get everything that we give all our online shoppers:
Here’s What We Used for Today’s Card

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