I must apologize.  It’s been pretty crazy around here and Ann hasn’t been getting a lot of sleep.  (We’re trying to get her to go to bed by midnight.)

So…..I let her sleep in today.

But I would be remiss if I didn’t give you an opportunity to encourage your possibly procrastinating Santa to get his red butt in gear.  Today is the last day he can stock his sleigh for Christmas delivery!

And we’ve got a new shopping code too!  FQQU94JM

Last Day to Shop for Christmas Delivery

We’re lucky to live in a 2 day delivery zone from the home office in Riverton, Utah.  I guess that could buy me a day or two, but I wouldn’t want to rush it.

Just so you know, they’re out of diamonds until the first of the year.  If you’re desperate – because you know we have the best – I think I could hustle up some for you.  (We tend to stock up on some things.)

Shop with Stamper Dog

Send me a little bark today

What a great handmade card idea!