I hope I don’t need to remind you that today is Valentine’s Day.

We’ll be fine if my favorite huMAN forgets.  There’s a lot going on here.

  • Ann’s got a cold and doesn’t have much of a voice.
  • They’re trying to repair the Oroville Dam so that we don’t have to swim out the front door.
  • My girls were supposed to come stamp with us tonight.
  • Ann’s birthday is Friday.

And on Sunday, my pal Cindy gave Ann this card with a Starbucks card in it.

Ann gasped when she opened it.

Birthday Card

Wasn’t that nice?

Have you made anything to make your friend gasp lately?  Do you think you should?

I think I should.  In fact, I think I should do it now.

Shop with Stamper Dog


Send me a little bark today

We haven’t evacuated yet for the Oroville Dam, but prayers are appreciated.