Could you use some get well card ideas? It seems that a lot of people aren’t feeling well these days.
Whether it’s heart issues, gall bladder removal or just your body wearing out, we’ve got a handmade get well card idea for you!
For a seemingly incurable situation, “Thinking of You” is the best greeting. We have over 100 Thinking of You card ideas.
For a sudden change of health, I think that this card might be just what the doctor ordered.
Do you know someone who could use some encouragement? Don’t you think this could work for them too?
I know I’d feel better!
Let’s start stamping today, my friends! I’m off to help Ann with a thank you note for the nice intimate dinner they were invited to last night.
Of course, I wasn’t invited. Maybe next time.
If you’d like to make this card, this is what you’ll need. Be sure to use the hostess code that we always show towards the top of the right column here on the blog. Or you can always start shopping for Stampin’ Up! products here.
If you’re reading this in your email, you can see our picture shopping list here.
Stampin’ Up! Crafting Supplies
- shop safely online – (You’ll love our reusable handmade cards we send you!)
- by phone – 530-674-5090
- by email or even in person!
- Earn free stamps with our Stampin’ Bucks!
A get well card idea is always needed!
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