Do you need a unique reason to make a card for someone?  Do you want your card to stand out?

First, a handmade card always stands out.

Next, sending someone a card that identifies their uniqueness or their passion will drive home the thought that you think they’re special.

Here are a few upcoming days this week to help you make a good impression with your friends:

Card Giving Days

  • Today is Roller Coaster Day
  • Monday is Black Cat Appreciation Day & Thrift Shop Day
  • Tuesday is Bad Poetry Day & Mail Order Catalog Day
  • Wednesday is Photography Day & Aviation Day
  • Thursday is Lemonade Day & World Mosquito Day
  • Friday is Men’s Grooming Day
    • Perhaps Ann will let someone else trim my nails
  • Saturday is Be an Angel Day & Take Your Cat to the Vet Day

August is Romance Awareness Month.  I’m just barking here.

Shop with Stamper Dog


Send me a little bark todayBe unique in the crowd.  make a card.