Have you ever had something on your Wish List that you just kept saying “I’ll get that next time.”?  The only problem is that you find yourself repeating it next time!

It’s enough to make you bark out loud!

Well, we feel that way about the IN Color Boutique Details.  They are so cool, but Ann just keeps saying “next time”.  Well, now that they’re on the Weekly Deal with the Vintage Trinkets, we are going shopping!

But before I share the Weekly Deal, here is a Simply Elegant Wedding Card that I designed for Ann to make.


Simply Elegant Wedding Card


I think the Vintage Trinkets would work well with a little safety pin attached to that bow, don’t you think?  We just took the picture a little too early.


NewsletterI hope you’ve already signed up for our newsletter.  I’m just barking that NOW would be a good time to get on it, don’t you think?  24 project instructions a year.  Personal tips in your mail box.  You just can’t beat it.

And sometimes there’s a little something special in the issues too.

I’m just barking here.


Here’s what else is on this week’s Weekly Deal.  Be sure to act before next Monday so you don’t miss out!




You don’t know how much we appreciate you.  I’m thinking the feeling’s mutual.  At least I hope it is!

If you were wondering what supplies we used, this is what you need.


Order online & get your own reusable handmade thank you card from us.

Buy Stampin' Up! here

  • by phone – 530-674-5090
  • by fax (available – just call)
  • by email or even in person!



Send me a little bark today

Be sure to get on our mailing list for new ideas in your inbox each month!  Now I’m just got to get invited to a nice little wedding because we’ve already got the Simply Elegant Wedding Card!