Remember, remember the 5th of November, gun powder, treason & plot…..
Bet most of you didn't know that poem! Why? Because it's about Guy Fawkes, the guy that tried to burn down the British Parliament in 1604. They call it Guy Fawkes Day or Bonfire Night because even now the British still have bonfires & burn him in effigy.
Bet you didn't think this little dog even KNEW that word! But my predecessor, Johnny Walker (a Westie), was born in England & he left me notes about it.
I've put this card on the short list for the Christmas Card Stamp A Stack on Saturday. What do you think? I LIKE IT A LOT! It's a hostess set you can get free with a $300 order. It's featured in the Stampin' Up! Holiday Mini Catalog & is only available through the end of next month.
It's so simple & refined, just like me!
P.S. You should see the card on the Make A Card Today Program today! it's a real looker!
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