So many of you have been writing me to find out what Ann was up to on the 2010 Stampin' Up! Cruise to the Caribbean. I think I've gathered some data that you'll enjoy. Click on any picture to get a close up.
Ann was part of a covert operation at the demonstrator's Share night. She snuck out in her Owl Together Now pajamas & joined in with other operatives (AKA the Stampin' Up! Advisory Board) to protect Stampin' Up! CEO & Co-Founder Shelli Gardner & find fun!
That Shelli's one cool pup to keep up with because everyone wants to chat with Shelli & Shelli's happy to chat with everyone! Shelli has a pair of those PJ's too!
Covert Operative Jan was upstairs determining how well the PJs worked when her eyes were closed.
One of Ann's favorite projects at the super secret Demonstrator Share night was these flip flops. They were brought by her super smart friend Meg. Very fashionable, don't you think? Yep, some fun here!
This lady tried to bribe Ann with her chocolates, but Ann & her Owl Together Advisory Board members kept true to their mission. Yep, chocolate means fun!
In St. Lucia, Ann & Cecil zip lined through the rain forest. She was flying through the air with the greatest of ease and said it was almost as thrilling as taking me for a walk. That means she must have liked it a LOT!
More fun!
She said that she discovered that there is no way to get a flattering picture ziplining.
But yes, there was fun in the rain forest too.
Keep checking back to see if I can find more pictures of Ann's covert operations in search of fun on the Stampin' Up! Caribbean Cruise.
You should go with her next time so that you can find the fun too! You can learn more here about joining our team of 24/7 Stampers
Ann here – I thought the caps were to keep your hair out of the rigging but they had Cecil wear one too. So it must’ve been for health reasons. They didn’t wash the helmets between uses.
Nice pics! Why did you have to wear a “rain cap” under your helmet for the zipline?