It's my 4th Birthday today!, so I'm going to share my special cards.  Before I go there, did I hear you ask what I want for my birthday?  Well, I'm glad you asked!  

Stampin' Up! Build A Bear Adoption Ceremony Besides all these wonderful cards I've been getting, I'd like TWO new FACEBOOK friends!  Some of you find Ann there, but I'M the one you want!  Just click here so that I can register my name before someone else wants to register me on Facebook.

At the very least, you can leave me a nice comment telling me how wonderful I am & how good I look for a dog who's 4.  (Ann took a picture Monday night with a new camera that I'm posting at the bottom.  Not my best, but it had a flash.)

Now that you know what I WANT, here's what I GET!  Ann let me pick the name for her Build-A-Bear.  I've chosen to call her "Razzlebear" as that was the most popular & the one that my girl Doodles fancied most. I personally took this picture at the adoption proceedings. 


What's up with this?  I was supposed to be featuring MY birthday cards!  Instead, I get a birthday card for a 15 year old GIRL!

WHAZZUP with THAT, Ann?!!  Ann?  ANN!

(insert barking here)

OK.  Got it.  I've been sabotaged!  This card was voted Best Swap Card at the 24/7 Stampers meeting on Monday night.  It was done by Noelia, my stamper girl in Puerto Rico.  She sent it with a letter explaining how important the Quinceanera is in Puerto Rico & for many 15 year old girls. 

You'll especially like the insides!  Just click on the picture below & see the pop up action that she did.

Quinceanera-In So give me some help, stampers!  I'm surrounded by girls everywhere!  Jump on over to Facebook using this link & FAN ME!  Let me get one little thing for my birthday!  I don't ask for much!

And be looking in your in box for Ann's newsletter.  She's got something up her sleeve.  I know she does.  I just hope it's not more GIRLY things!  I know I'll be showing you my birthday cards soon.

It's bad enough I've got this Razzlebear in my neighborhood!

Happy Birthday Stamper Dog Chow for Now, Baby!
