
How do you like this card I made for Ann’s friends Shella & Dan?  Shella loves pink, but I just wasn’t feeling that.  I thought that they deserved something more regal like Rich Razzleberry.  Ann took this picture just before she gave them the card.  I hope they liked what was inside as well.

I understand that they were feeling the textures made with the same Big Shot that made those quilts I’ve been showing you these last 5 days.  VERY Versatile!



Ann & Cecil had such a good time & met my new friend, Jester.  Ann said that Jester searched & searched as a good Beagle often does, but I was nowhere to be found.  You can tell that after the wedding, he was devastated that I was not included in the guest list.  I understand that several of the gals there tried their best to console him.

Jester, I hope we’ll see each other soon.  In the meantime, enjoy the view from the door.

Chow Baby!
