Every now and then, I get a card from some of you.  They even come from far away places like Germany and Canada.  But this is one of those few that had a TREAT with it!

Ann’s very mindful of my diet.  She knows that I will do tricks for just a little bit of my regular chow so she’s careful not to go overboard with me.  (She wants me to keep my cute little puppy figure.)  Don’t feel bad for me.  I don’t eat like a Lab or German Shepard so she gets me the really good stuff.

We do online webinars for the Master Stamper members.  We also do them for our 24/7 Stampers community.  They’re a whole lot easier to attend than you think and the program lets us help our communities with other personal things.  We helped Lynda with her new Dell computer and she helped us learn how to fix something next time that situation comes up.

I love how that works!

Here is the card that Lynda sent.  Ann loved her card.  Unfortunately, Ann has my gift confused with a display item.  Perhaps now that we’ve taken a picture of it, she’ll release the contents to me.


Lynda is part of the Master Stampers AND our online stamp club, Pup Club.  Isn’t this a great use of the Polka Dot Parade Designer Series Paper?  There are only a few days left to get that for free when you buy three.

And feel free to drop us a line anytime!  It sure is nice to know you love me!

Buy Stampin' Up! hereOrder online & get your own reusable handmade thank you card from us.

– by phone – 530-674-5090

– –  by fax – 530-751-7680

– – – by email or even in person!

Send me a little bark today

It’s a great time to be the blog dog of a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator.