You don’t necessarily need Valentine sentiments to make a Valentine card.  And you can take Valentine stamps to use on other days than just Valentine’s Day.

In fact, some people don’t like Valentine’s Day because they think romance is for ALL the time, not just a day that the calendar says to do it.

GASP!  Was I supposed to bark that?

So here’s a card that will be fine no matter when you make it or when you send it.  Valentines don’t have to be red or pink and you can use hearts any time of the year.

Yes, I DID bark that!

Valentine Card Idea

You could probably color the whole sheet if you wanted to, but we chose the right inch or so.

We concentrated mainly on IN Colors (because the Odd Year ones* are going away in a few months)

  • Watermelon Wonder*
  • Mint Macaron*
  • Peekaboo Peach
  • Sweet Sugarplum
  • Flirty Flamingo
  • Daffodil Delight

I wish Ann would’ve stopped at the right inch, but that flower in the upper left was calling her.  She felt she had to color it.

I wish she hadn’t, but I think it still looks good.

What do YOU think?  You can let us know here and get in on this month’s drawing.

Valentine Card Idea

I think that it’s more impressive having just a strip of the background than coloring the whole thing.  But if you want to, it’s a great stress reliever!

And the Designer Series Paper that we used is FREE!  That makes it even better!  You don’t have to color it at all if you don’t want to.

If you’re shopping today, here’s a list of what we used so YOU can get the designer paper free too!

Use today’s code that we post here when you shop so we can include a gift with the reusable card we send all our online shoppers.

Handmade Card Making Supplies

Shop with Stamper Dog


Send me a little bark today

Use all your Valentine card ideas and give them all year long.