Are you missing the boat?

  • This week our newsletter subscribers got free coffee and a free Bonus
    Sale-A-Bration project in their In Box
  • Our February clients got a handmade full sized reusable card in their mail box.
    (We call them Green Cards because you can save or send them.)
  • Our Master Stamper members got to stamp online with Ann
    along with TWO guest stampers!  (one shown below)

What more could a stamper want?  You could have it too just trying one or all of these options!

Donna was our guest stamper on Thursday on the Master Stamper.  Gladys was yesterday's guest stamper.  She's also a demonstrator on our team and gives a pretty mean back scratch when Ann's not looking.  While everyone was stamping with Ann, she shared about the new stamp and punch special, showed the new Photopolymer stampers and some new punch storage.  She demonstrated how to center punches on a card and Gladys shared how to make pinwheels when she made this card.


So here's one more thing you won't want to miss!  Join our team while Stampin' Up! is offering 25% MORE in the Starter Kit.  Find out more here or learn how to join our team here.  It's just $99 for $156 of product to start with!

Here's some of what Gladys used on her card.

Order online & get your own reusable handmade thank you card from us. 

– by phone – 530-674-5090

– -  by fax – 530-751-7680

– – – by email or even in person!

Send me a little bark today

It's a great time to be the blog dog of a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.