Dear Stamper and Stampers:

What an exciting day we had yesterday!  A group (flock?  gaggle?) of birds decided to fly right into the jet engine that was right outide my window.  They left quite a mess that I won't show, but SouthWest Airlines had the perfect solution to keep the situation calm:  Bloody Marys!

2013-01-09 07.24.35

When we reached Phoenix, a group of airline employees checked it out.  First one, then two and finally about six of them!

2013-01-09 09.14.09

Once inside the terminal, a memorial was held for the birds with some interesting characters in attendance.

2013-01-09 09.27.38
Hope you're having fun at the spa, Stamper.  I'll be home soon.  I miss you already, but there are man ideas to pick up on here.

Order online & get your own reusable handmade thank you card from us. 

– by phone – 530-674-5090

– -  by fax – 530-751-7680

– – – by email or even in person!

Send me a little bark today

It's a great time to be the blog dog of a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.