We’re getting ready for the Fox 40 Morning Show on Tuesday in the 9:30a half hour. It’s going to be a fun couple of minutes! Don’t miss out on the best Black Friday/Cyber Monday Sales I’ve ever done!
Check out Stampin’ Up!’s awesome special here & get 20-60% off!. You can order online, but if you email Ann your order (or call 530-674-5090 or fax 530-751-7680), then you’ll get
25% off the largest item on your order!
But it all ends TOMORROW! And we’re doing even more than that! You can find the best explanation in this post.
The Stampin’ Up! sale goes on until 11/30, but the 25% off ends on Cyber Monday. (And thank all of you who participated in Small Business Saturday with us!) There’s no card today but there’s always a card when you sign up for the Make A Card Today program.
Our latest video is a quick one you can do by yourself or with the kids. You’ll find that on yesterday’s post.
I’m off to help Ann decide on Tuesday’s Fox 40 project. What card do *YOU* think she should do? It’s got to be a quick one.
Then Tuesday night is SOS night when everyone comes over & stamps on their own projects. It’s a great time to have Ann cut your card stock for you to make your Christmas Cards. Just call us to make sure there’s a seat.
It’s a grrrrreat time to be the blog dog of a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator
OR – by phone – 530-674-5090, by fax – 530-751-7680, by email or even in person!
It gRRRRROCKS when you join our team!
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