We've held onto this one long enough!  Stampin' Up! sent Ann an invitation to have dinner with one of the Big Dogs at Stampin' Up! while they were on the cruise.  I'm sure they wanted me to join them as well, but I was busy at the doggy spa. 

The invitation was da bomb!  Most of it is available in the current catalog, but there's something on there that you'll have to wait until July for.  Do you see what it is?


Ann said that the 6 of them had a very nice dinner in their best duds.  She even made new friends with Jennifer & her huMAN.  They had been chatting while waiting for the bus between the airport & the ship.  Then a couple days later, they met again at the Big Dog dinner. 

Stampin' Up! is a great company to work for.  If they had canine demonstrators, I'd be first in line.  They treat their demonstrators really well.  They have wonderful employees that ask Ann about me all the time.  They're just a caring bunch, just like our 24/7 Stampers.  You should talk to Ann about jumping on board.  Maybe there would be a cruise in YOUR future & you could smuggle me on in your luggage. 

Just give her a call at (530) 674-5090 & see if she can answer all your questions.  (I'll bet she can.)  Or check out our FAQs page here.  When you're ready to go, you'll want to jump on here.  In about 10 minutes, you'll be official!

It's a grrrrreat time to be the blog dog of a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.

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