I walked Ann out to the mailbox yesterday.  It was FULL!  She mailed me my own Stampin' Up! 2010 Holiday Mini!  Wasn't that nice of her?  If you've stamped with us online or local lately, I'll bet yours is coming soon too!

That was the initial heart palpitation.  The next thing she pulled out almost made my heart stop!  It was an envelope with some very distinctive handwriting.  Distinct & pretty.  It was a card from Stampin' Up! CEO & Co-Founder, Shelli Gardner!

She read it to me, but I've been sworn to secrecy.  Good thing I took this picture before I took the oath!  And yes, we're even keeping the envelope!

Thank YOU Shelli!When was the last time the head of where YOU work made you a thank you card & sent it to you.  THIS is the type of job to have!  You can find out more about how YOU can become a Stampin' Up! demonstrator here.

I've got something special for tomorrow too. 

Send me a little bark today