Ann accidentally left me behind when they went to see the movie, Avatar.  She said that we should give it 4 paws up AND a tail & 2 ears up too!  They said that they wore funny glasses to get the full effect & it was awesome!

While she was gone, I decided to post a little special somethin' somethin' for my stampin' buds.  I'm going to give each one of you the directions for the projects shown below when you send Ann an order of $50 or more in 2009.  You only have a couple days left.  Order online here so I can send you the instructions by email to make the box & the 30 DIFFERENT Loves Notes Layouts using the Love Sparkles Simply Scrappin' Kit (or your own choice of cardstock).  

30 Great layouts to copy!

If you're thinking that you want to get a Big Shot with your Christmas money, I'd send Ann an email or call Ann at 530-674-5090 to find out about the double secret Big Shot special that she's offering.

Send me a little bark today

Get Big Shot Package Ideas here.

Stock up on stampin' stuff from Ann online here. Ann will send you a handmade card you can use next month.

Check out Ann's Occasions Mini Ribbon share here.

Discover a fun way to pay off your Christmas bills here.