Click 4 a Close Up of October's Card of the Month

Ann & I started a new program this month.  Everyone who ordered online here gets a handmade reusable card.  We keep the list all month long & then on Monday, the mail goes out.  This is the card that most of you will get.  You may recognize it featured in this post as my Founder's Circle Swap.  Club members who made this card at their club night will get an alternative card just as cool.  We hope you like them & can't wait to design November's card.

It's not too late to get yours!  Just click here to shop for your favorite rubber stamping needs & wants.

Click 4 Close Up

And here's a last minute surprise for your trick or treaters.  Want something quick & cool to hand out to the little visitors?  Here's something that my girlfriend Doodles & her mom did for their little friends using the Big Shot Fancy Favor Box Die #115965.  Don't you just love them?  Some nice little dog treats would go really well in there.

Chow Baby!


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