It's been nice here, but I know many pups in the SouthEast are digging out their dog houses.  It's like it's raining roofs & Dorothy & Toto are about to show up at any minute!  Our hearts go out to them.

And it goes out to my buddy Torre.  That's Ann's son-in-law that's flying out today to Afghanistan for the next year.  GRRRUFF!  We want him back safe & sound sooner than that – just like we do for all our troops.

On a lighter note, there was a lot of laughter in the house yesterday at the make up class for the Spring Shadow Box.  Even I had to go & laugh with my friends outside because those stamper girls were just having too much fun!. 

Click 4 Close Up Is this cool or what?  It features the Serif Essentials Big Shot Alphabet #113464 and lots of cool things from the Occasions Summer Mini that are going away the end of this month.

With less than 10 days left, you're going to have to stock up on the items listed below if you want to make one of these your own.

Our MANY thanks to our Canadian Stamper Girlfriend Christy Harsch for sharing this cool idea & inspiring Ann to make it.  It's going to look pretty cool in the hallway & I think we'll be making a Summer version too.  The possibilities are endless!

Here's some of the items they used that Ann's going to miss having on hand after April 30th.  You may want to add to your stash:

Knowing demonstrators like Christy is part of what we like best about Stampin' Up!.  I'll bet you'd be a pretty special addition to our team too!  If you'd like more information about that, just give us a call at 530-674-5090 or check out our FAQs section here.

It's a great time to be the blog dog of a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.

Send me a little bark today