I've been thinking about this card ever since I reposted my Faux Linen Pop video in this post. I thought about how I was going to translate it to a current card.
So first, let me bark that the cards look better in real life. We spritzed some Smooch Spritz on them, but you can't see that very well. There's white on the Pretty in Pink one & Silver on the Cajun Craze one.
So tell me, humans! Which do you like better? The Pretty in Pink one or the Cajun Craze one? You can click on them for greater detail.
They both have Old Olive as a base with Night of Navy. They both used these sets:
- Just Believe – Wood #116948 Clear #120453
- Flower Fest – Wood #122278 Clear #122280
- Bring on the Cake – Wood #121899 Clear #121958
So leave us a comment below & let us know whats you think. And send us YOUR version of this technique! My birthday is just around the corner. I always love to see my mail lady. She's very nice & Ann doesn't let me bark to her enough.
It's a grrrrreat time to be the blog dog of a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.
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I vote cajun, but I’d like to see some ribbon tails on it. Hard choice though;both are handsome cards.
Yes, Lynda, it’s that time already! September 2nd I will be 6 years old. I featured your card on my birthday last year in this post: https://www.stamperdog.com/2010/09/2-stampers-birthday.html
Hope I get one this year too!
I too prefer the light mat (Pretty in Pink)! Stamper has ANOTHER birthday???? Is your age a secret, Stamper?…just like mine! LOL
Guess what! There ARE pearls on the Cajun Craze one, but just on the body. For some reason, the butterfly doesn’t look like it’s Cajun Craze on that one.
It’s the camera! Or the fact that Ann shot these in the middle of the night when I send her my dog-o-pathic messages.
The Silver Smooch really came out on the Cajun Craze one, but it’s too subtle for the camera to pick up.
Thanks for all your suggestions!
I like the Cajun Craze one best, thinking that sets the mat apart from the card base better plus like the ribbon treatment better on that one AND feel the lighter (stamped off) green “fronds/ferns” before the stamped butterfly gives better “depth” to the greenery. BUT think the pearls would be nice on that butterfly too. Chin Rubs and Hugs!!
I think the light one is the better of two, however I would love to receive “either” one. They are both nice.
Mary Oh2bnor@aol.com
I can’t help it. I am a girl. I HAVE to go with the pink & the pearls.
your Doodles
Hi Stamper and Ann,
I like the light one better than the dark one because of the ribbon placement. Both are appealing though!
I like the Pretty in Pink layered one better as I think it goes well with the pink butterfly.