Were you able to join us yesterday for our live stream? Ann didn’t cover her favorite craft kits to keep or give so I’m thinking that I’ll bark about that today.

So, would you like to see my favorite craft kits? Or…. well, let me at least post a bit about yesterday.

Stampin’ Up! announced a sale of up to 30% off all our kits. And they also released two new kits. We’ve ordered one of them. Can you guess which one?

Sale: $22.50

Price: $25.00

Sale: $19.80

Price: $22.00

If you guessed the card kit, you’d be right. Of course, just because it’s right for us, doesn’t mean it’s right for you…. or whomever you’re giving it to as a gift.

While the Look Back Kit is meant to be a type of scrapbook, it could be used as a journal. What a great gift for your favorite teen.

And remember, Christmas is right around the corner!

We Like Them Both!

We like both of the kits tat Ann shared in yesterday’s live stream. You can watch the video below or here on YouTube.

If you were to ask Ann what kits se liked the best, I think she’d tell you the Card Keeper Kit that she shared in the live stream and the Birthday Card Organizer Kit.

Are You Sensing a Theme Here?

Yes, Ann likes boxes and things that help you get or keep organized. But there are others she likes too. But I have to ask…if you were getting someone a gift, would you make the cards for them or let them make it.

These are the two that we used in the live stream. And yes, we like them both!

Sale: $22.50

Price: $25.00

Now, we’re really only sharing ones that are available as my typist plunks this out. So, let’s chat about that.

Obviously, if something is shown in our online store, you can get it. If it says “currently unavailable”, that means that they’ve ordered more and that they will be coming back in stock.

But if you see something you like and then it disappears, that means tat it’s sold out and won’t be returning.

I can’t wait for that Haunted Home Kit to come back in stock! It may be just before Halloween, but it’s on our short list.

Craft Kit
Card Keeper Kit
Shop with Stamper Dog