Now that you know what’s going to be on sale on Monday.  (That’s assuming that you read what I barked yesterday.)

Can you spot what we put on this card that’s going to be on special on Monday?

Christmas Card

Go ahead and click on the picture for a close up if you don’t see it right away.

I don’t know why Ann waited so long to use these framelits.  Perhaps she was waiting for that deer to fatten up.

Christmas Card

I think that we’re going to make this one at our Christmas Stamp a Stack next Saturday here at Central Bark.  They can even stamp the inside and make their envelopes match.

Christmas Card

We don’t know if the house will be done, but it will done enough to stamp!  Register today and save $5.

And remember to mark your calendars for Monday.  Some things are on sales just on Monday.  Some things are on sale through the 28th.  And some things are only on sale ON the 28th.

And if you guess the Brights Enamel Shapes we used for the reindeer’s nose, you got it right!  But they’re only on sale on Monday!

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Send me a little bark today

Everyone loves a sale!  Don’t you?