Click to view on site Last night, we had a blast at the Yuba City Stamp Club making this card.  Earlier this month, Ann did it with the gals in the Sacramento Stamp Club.

They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words.  We had to gray out their faces to protect the innocent!

The stampers were fine, but the camera must have been drinking.  You know the look! JeanneJulie

Before we roll tape, let me share that this is a great time to join one of our stamp clubs whether it's in Sacramento where they meet down by the Pavilions Shopping Center on the 2nd Thursday, in Yuba City where they meet at Central Bark (our home) or if you want to try our Stampin' Pup Club. 

In ALL cases, you get free stamps and great projects. 

So now, just click on the box below & let's roll some film!



It's a grrrrreat time to be the blog dog of a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.

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