We’re starting this organizational section to help you when you plan YOUR stamp room.  The oldest will be at the bottom so start the story where you want!

July 6, 2011 – Cutting Station Tip


This is part of Ann’s cutting station.  The Stampin’ Up! Tabletop Paper Cutter is great staple for your stamp room.  But the placement of the basket at the left & where the cutter is on the table is critical to keeping the area clean.

I’ve had the basket a while, but putting it in between the Big Shot & the cutter was one of the smarter ideas this dog has had.

The basket contains plastic folders that are sealed along a long side & a short side so you can take them out easily without the card stock spilling.  They came from the local office supply store.  Each folder holds a set of colors:  one for reds, one for yellows, one for neutrals, one for browns, etc. 

Arrange them any way that’s fast.  We tried alphabetizing, but that only works for the card stock packages for us.  This way is fast & easy so there’s no reason NOT to put the stuff away.

On the right of the cutter, is Ann’s professional grade cutter.  This is overkill unless you’re a demonstrator cutting for a class or swap. (Like hundreds of cards at a time.) 

To the right of that is the end of the table & a box that paper trash goes into.  So at the end of the cutting session or at the end of the day, larger usable bits go into the box & smaller ones go into the trash.  There are no other options!

If the basket gets too full, you’re keeping pieces that are smaller than you should keep. 

June 2011

Ann’s stamp room will never be totally clean.  That’s just how we roll.  We ENJOY stamping, not STRESS over how clean things are.  This picture shows were we are in the process.  We started a couple years ago with the IKEA Varde piece on the left.  (It’s also pictured below from when we first got it.) 

In late June 2011, we added two more pieces.  The one on the right is another IKEA Varde piece.  It’s not full yet, but almost.  Still figuring out what to put where. 
