Ann's a bit under the weather today. She had a faucet installed where her nose used to be & is carrying a little box of white sheets she uses to polish her facial faucet. So I'm taking this opportunity to share some behind the scenes photos of something she's been working on.
Those of you who have stamped here at Central Bark know that Ann's always working on our stamp room. Sometimes it's cleaner than others, but for us, it's never pristine! EVER! You're our friends, so I think I can share this dirty little story with you.
We took this picture last year. It's a cabinet from the kitchen department of IKEA. In the reflection, you can see the bookshelf across the room. What you can't see is the stuff that would sit on the floor in front of the big bookshelf.
I think that Ann thought that I was going to put the stuff away!
We only took one "before" picture. It was when the South end of the room was at its worst. We don't really stamp at that table, but it wasn't being used well. I'm going to make it really small so that you have to click on it to see it.
Karen Johnson stepped up to the plate to help us figure out what should go where. Now remember – we're not buying any more furniture yet. There are plans, but they're not happening yet. With Karen's help, we're using what we have first and THEN we'll see what works.
The bookshelves that used to be on the East wall are now on the South wall where it used to have that messy table. Here is what it looks like now.
Remember – this room is only 14' x 9'. You're looking at the 9' wide wall. Ann's been a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator for almost 12 years & was stamping a bit before that. That cupboard on the right can hold a TON of current stamp sets. This is still going to be moved around a bit but with Karen's help, it's pretty functional as it is.
And here's that table. Now it's on the East wall. On the left is where I help Ann take pictures of the cards. The middle is for those little trims here & there. And my Big Shot is on the right. It's not fancy, but it works.
I think the Stampin' Up! Tabletop Paper Cutter #106959 will find a home on the other table. Ann has plans for reserving this table for mailing, pictures & the Big Shot. If this table works, we're dreaming of putting a 5' counter in. That would be the same length as the table, but higher with storage underneath.
Your encouragement is welcome. I know Ann won't like showing our messy stamp area, but I'll bet that many of you have some of the same challenges. So many stamps, ink & paper, so little real estate!
Just email us if you want me to put you in touch with Karen. She's even making a space for me to have an extra bed in here! I think Ann's going to put it right in front of the stamp cupboard – just in case of burglars.
Now would be a good time for Santa to get you a Big Shot like mine. (It was named after me!) We can help you with that! Feel free to find yours here.
Great Stamping room Stamper. Mom & I have to share our stamproom with her business office. Mom was stamping way before I came so we have a TON of stuff! BOL! We need to move the business stuff out of our room so we could have a place for our Big Shot & paper cutter to stay out. I love your stamping room. I would love to have an Ikea cabinet like yours but we don’t have a place for it. your Doodles
Thanks for sharing Ann’s stamp room, Stamper. I love looking at organizational ideas. I guess you and Ann both need a step stool for the top shelves 🙂
I have a question for Ann about the paper trimmer. I’ll have to email Ann.