Things are pretty exciting here at Central Bark. Exploring new cardmaking ideas is just one of what’s happening. Ann is trying a few new things and that means she’s not getting much sleep!

Saturday, she went to Vacaville and stamped with a dozen other demonstrators. It’s always a good time and she got to meet Veronica face to face for the first time! She was so excited that she forgot to take a picture of the two of them together!

Can you believe that Ann has been knowing Veronica for 11 years this month and this is the first face to face. She knew them first as a client, then as a viewer and friend, and now as a team member.

That’s what we love about this business!

Except…..No picture. Hopefully next time because I like pictures!

Then, On Sunday….

Then, on Sunday, Ann went to a small town an hour away to visit a friend she hasn’t seen in over 10 years. That’s way too long! They talked for 7 hours straight with no gaps!

Ann is just amazed at all that Karen has done with her yard and house. She definitely has a shabby chic style that’s unique to her and is very inviting.

If you’ve known Ann a while, you may recognize Karen from when they did the rubber garage sales in Sacramento.

Just wait until I show you her dog!

Ann’s very first dog wasn’t me. It was a little white dog named Johnny Walker. He was a West Highland White Terrier, or Westie. Johnny was born in England. Ann and my favorite huMAN brought him here to Northern California when they moved here.

Well, Karen has two of them! A boy and a girl. Ann just had to take a picture of how the fella sat in the chair. Domino and I could never get away with that unless Ann is sitting in the chair with us. We’re not showing this to Domino as he may start packing his things and become Karen’s third dog.

Isn’t that yard pretty. Lots of room for two medium sized dogs to get out and explore. And Karen pretty much did it all herself!

I don’t think Ann’s going to let another 10 years go by before she visits.

About Those New Cardmaking Ideas

We’ll be on today with our live stream. Ann has those Vacaville swaps and then she got some swaps in the mail of cards that are made with stamps that will be released tomorrow. And that’s not all that’s starting tomorrow!

Set your watch for 2pm Pawcific Time – 5pm Eastern

Ann will also share a bit about the Mystery Hostess event we did last week.

Skip to the Fun!

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