Well, we’re hoping to go live at 2pm today!

We know a lot of you are experiencing very cold weather. It’s cold here, but not really bad. We’re rejoicing because it’s been raining here pretty much non-stop for at least 12 hours. And it’s going to continue until at least noon!

We welcome 18 hours of rain! We need it!

The internet was going in and out last night, so if we have it, we’ll be going live at 2pm today. We’ll be sharing patterned papers and embellishments that will be available on January 5th.

Sneak Peek Live at 2pm
Sneak Peek Live at 2pm

Join us here

Here’s the time we’re on in your neighborhood:

  • Noon in Hawaii
  • 1pm in most of Alaska
  • 2pm Pawcific & Arizona
  • 3pm Mountain
  • 4pm Central
  • 5pm Eastern
  • 6pm Puerto Rico
21 Holiday Product Share

See something you like on the show? Come on back here and check out our Sweet Treats program!

Get on the list before it’s full and pay on or after December 29th. You won’t regret it! Especially when you get our exclusive paper holders to hold all your paper samples.

Here’s an old picture of me with one of the previous offerings before Ann got to cutting and sorting.

Sweet Treat Product Shares

Still Grrrreat Deals in Our Online Store!

Shop with Stamper Dog