Oh, what fun we had yesterday remaking a snowman Christmas card. It was wonderful for us to get back on our live streams after taking a week off.

We missed you!

So, yesterday, we showed a card and then we had our viewers help us make a similar card. And everyone loved it!

In fact, we got several emails from you that had so many warm fuzzies that Ann had to use a lint roller on her clothes!

You have no idea how good that made Ann feel.

Which do you prefer?

Here’s the original blue one.

Snowman Christmas Card

You can watch our design process that we did together as well as see some alternative color combos when you watch our video below.

And here is the card that live viewers helped Ann make.

Snowman Christmas Card

So Which Do You Like Better? Blue or Green?

Tell us by leaving a comment below.

If you’re thinking about adding the Snowman Season to your collection so that you can make Snowman Christmas Cards, you need to hang on for a minute. We’re putting together a package for those of you who add the following to your collection:

Include those items in your order (& more if you wish) and we’ll give you access to at least 4 exclusive projects that we are not releasing elsewhere.

How about that?

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