Remember that card we shared in yesterday’s post?  You know, the one that is part of that Snowflake Special?

What I didn’t tell you is that Ann and I have been planning a special of our own for the past couple weeks!

And I Think You’re Going to Love It!

Purchase either of the limited release sets and we’ll send you a Power Pack of 15 PDF project tutorials dedicated to your stamps.  Purchase both sets and we’d love to send you TWO Power Packs of 15 PDF project tutorials!  That’s a total of 30 project tutorials!

You can see two of the 30 project below in this picture.

Snowflake Powder Pack Special

Remember that all our online shoppers get a handmade card from me and Ann that I’ve designed with my gal pal Doodles – PLUS all this!

Use our current shopping code NM6AK4FD and you’ll also get a small sampling of product.

Here’s the new collection.

Shop with Stamper Dog

Send me a little bark today

What a great handmade card idea!