Isn’t it a challenge to make a masculine birthday card?

Stampers can usually whip out something that has flowers or ribbons or bling pretty easily, but sometimes have a bit of a creative block when making a card for their favorite man.

But today we have a special card for a special guy who’s been serving our country for over 15 years and part of our family for almost that long.

Masculine Birthday Card

We normally like to  even decorated the inside of his card!

Masculine Birthday Card

So, Happy Birthday, Mr. T.  We hope you like your card.

It’s also Gail’s birthday.  What to do?  Mmmmm.  I’ll just have to give her a kiss and a cuddle because she’s close enough for me to play ball with her.

And here’s a list of other reasons to send cards to your friends this week.

Card Giving Days

  • Today is Friendship Day
  • Tuesday is Coast Guard Day & Assistance Dog Day
  • Saturday is International Cat Day
  • Sunday is Book Lovers Day

There are more, but I thought these were the best.  Did you know that Ann’s mom was in the Ladies’ Coast Guard back around World War II?

Here’s a list of what Ann used to make this unique masculine birthday card.  Just click on any picture for more detail or to start your shopping cart:

Card Making Supplies

Product List

Shop with Stamper Dog


Send me a little bark todayEveryone can use a good masculine birthday card!