Today is a special day.  My favorite huMAN has been married to Ann for 33 years.

Can you believe it?  I’ve only been around for 9.  We are both so lucky that he keeps showing up!

If you’ve been reading my barks for any time at all, you know that my favorite huMAN’s favorite color is blue.  He’s not picky.  He likes all the blues.

So we made him an Island Indigo card with Crushed Curry.  And because he’s such a bright spot in our day, we used one of our most popular limited edition polymer stamp sets, Banner Blessings.

We just need you to tell us which version you like best.  Here’s the first one she did.

Anniversary Banner Card

We both thought that there was just a little too much white on the card so we used Island Indigo with the same shape from the Chalk Talk Framelits (which are on sale right now for 25% off – and free shipping starts on Monday!).  Then we took the Stampin’ Trimmer and cut off the edges.  And here’s what that looks like.

Banner Anniversary Card

So which one do you prefer?  I know which one I like.  He would like either, but I’d like to know what you stampers think.

Now if you’re thinking of buying stamps today – don’t do it unless you have to!  We’re able to offer free shipping on all orders April 6th to the 10th.

Card Making Supplies

You can get details for these cardmaking supplies or simply start your shopping cart now by clicking on any of the pictures below.


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Happy Anniversary to Ann & my favorite huMAN!