We have the golden ticket and we’re happy to share it with you!  Tomorrow is the last day that you can take advantage of the best offer that Stampin’ Up! has ever given to join our community of 24/7 Stampers.  It’s a real Golden Ticket Business Opportunity!

To make it short, we have lots more to offer than just a good looking dog!

  • Rubber ParkExclusive 24/7 website
  • Private members only Facebook page
  • Optional one-on-one training with Ann
  • Recognition
  • Travel opportunities
  • Exclusive monthly newsletter with private video and project to use with YOUR stampin’ friends
  • Live online meetings you can attend by phone &/or in front of your computer
  • Future friendship with our 24/7 Stampers community ranging all over the United States and Puerto Rico

I could tell you that besides having a smart, handsome dog, Ann has many accomplishments with Stampin’ Up! during her almost 15 years with the company – but I won’t bore you with those details.  It’s more important that she’s here when you need her.

Golden Ticket

So give Ann a call at 530-674-5090 or email her at ann@stamperdog.com.  Today is better than tomorrow because tomorrow, the computer lines will be jammed Monday with all the Last Minute Lucy’s.

Join for $25

Oh yes!  And before I forget!  Happy birthday to my namesake, Ann’s dad.  She says I act just like him!  Nope, his name isn’t Stamper, but my middle name IS Howard.  It’s all because he always said that after he was gone, he’d like to come back as Ann’s dog.  And now you know.

It’s a great time to be the blog dog of a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator.

Buy Stampin' Up! here

Shop online

– by phone – 530-674-5090

– – – by email or even in person!

You’ll LOVE the handmade thank you card we send you!


Send me a little bark today