Did you know that Ann helped set a World Record?  Yep!  Last week while at the Stampin’ Up! Convention, she helped set a World Record.  Here she is with the guy from the Guinness Book of World Records.

Guinness Book of World Records

They didn’t tell them what the goal was, but they did tell them that they only had three hours.  The line was long and Ann got in when there was only a little over a half hour left.  If you look in the picture, you’ll notice that way in the back, the edge of the computer monitor starts with “2”.  (It’s under the letter “d” on the truck.)

They checked to make sure the card was stamped.  It had to have writing on the inside.  It had to be in a stamped envelope.  And the man from the Guinness Book of World Records had to check all the cards.  It took quite a while.  Here Ann is with him after he checked her card.


The Handmade Card

I had Ann send the card on the right to my gal pal, Doodles.  She’s my bestie gal pal and I don’t send her as many cards as she sends me.  It was only fair.

If it were up to me, I’d send one to all of you, but they only let Ann send one that counted.  After that, it didn’t count towards the world record breaking attempt.

Guiness Award

The Guinness Book of World Record Award

Here’s the award.  The previous record was 1,000 greeting cards sent from a single location.  But all those Stampin’ Up! Demonstrators sent 2,984!  WOW!  What a new record!  Even this dog can figure out that’s almost three times as much.

The card was a quick card that Ann showed on the Master Stamper online event last month.  And she’s getting ready to do another live stamping event with them this week.  She’ll be showing her swaps and stuff.  Be sure to join before tomorrow so you can have your best choice of times.

Shop today!Order online & get your own reusable handmade thank you card from us.- by phone – 530-674-5090- –  by fax – 530-751-7680

– – – by email or even in person!

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It’s a great time to be the blog dog of a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator.