I had such a ball last night! First, I must say that Ann didn't listen to my Halloween recommendations on my Facebook page about pet clothing! She thought that this basketball get-up was going to be less cumbersome for me.
Well, even though I wore it for a short time the day she bought it, I showed her how I could make magic like Houdini & slip out of those shorts. We saw this outfit on a tall dog at Pet Smart. It looks good on me, but those tall dogs don't have the super secret Houdini powers like I have & couldn't take it off!
SO – we got into Plan B mode went down to Hope Point together. Ann & my favorite huMAN usually work at the Trunk or Treat event, but this year they brought me as a treat. We went early so that it would be easier for people to see me & not step on my toes. There were other dogs there & my stamper gal pal Cindy was dressed up with all her Tiggers in the back of her car giving out candy.
All the little kids wanted to show me love! And the dogs I met were top notch too! We just stayed in the parking lot around the cars & our friends. I think the Superman costume is more my style. Ann remembered a hat she had & went as Clark Kent. Would've look great with his glasses!
You can't see my flowing red cape but when I walked really fast, it looked like I was flying! I didn't wear the belt. What was I going to hold up anyway?
We figured that my favorite huMAN went as Lex Luthor because he's already got the haircut. It was nice to get out & about for a fashion show because Ann can only praise & appreciate me so much – being her boss & all…
So now for some things that are REALLY special!
First – any of you who make a $50 purchase this week that includes the Snow Much Fun set will receive enough cut card stock, ribbon & instructions to make 4 of these cards (6 if you're in our Stampin' Pup Club). We'll even include access to a video so that you can see how we attached the floating ribbon & bow.
We're so nice that if you've already bought this featured set from us, just remind us when you make your $50+ order & we'll put you on the mailing list too!
There's more, but I've got to save SOME announcements for the newsletter & tomorrow's barks here & on my Facebook page. Make sure that you've signed up at the top left of your screen. You wouldn't want to miss out, would you?
But you DO need to know that it's still raining Free Big Shots here as Stampin' Up! extended their New Demonstrator Special. Come on over & join! We've got some really fun stuff in store for you!
It's a grrrrreat time to be the blog dog of a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator.
OR – by phone – 530-674-5090, by fax – 530-751-7680, by email or even in person!
It gRRRRROCKS when you join our team!
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