Ann & I will be here at the house today.  My favorite huMAN has worked every Thanksgiving for the last 20 years and this is no exception.  That’s okay.  There’s plenty of things around here to keep us occupied!

And we’re hoping that you’re having a wonderful day whether you’re with family, friends, or just stamping solo. We’re so glad you spend some time with us!

Click to see the list!
And let me barkify to answer a few questions – Yes, you CAN take advantage of Stampin’ Up!’s Online Extravaganza AND our own special that we explained in yesterday’s post – and thank you to those of you who called & emailed Ann already.

  • All orders receive a hand made reusable card.
  • * Everyone gets 25% the largest item in their order.
  • Orders $50+ get an EXTRA Barking Board chance to win a $100 gift certificate
  • Orders $150+ get hostess benefits starting at $25 free
  • * Orders $300+ get a free upgrade to 2nd Day Air! 
      (Order by Sunday & have it on Wednesday!)
  • Orders $350+ get an EXTRA $35 of free hostess benefits for a minimum of $85 free!  
  • Join our team of demonstrators & get a free apron to kick off your new business!

Order alone or with your friends.  Orders marked with the * must be submitted by email to Ann, by phoning us at (530) 674-5090 or faxing us at (530) 751-7680.

Our Black Friday Special runs until Monday so don’t be afraid to call in early.  Just try to keep it between 9a & 7p (noon to 7p Sunday) because I’ll be sleeping by the phone!

Have a blessed today.  Remember – no food fights!

It’s a grrrrreat time to be the blog dog of a Stampin’ Up! Demonstrator

Order online

OR – by phone – 530-674-5090, by fax – 530-751-7680, by email or even in person!

Send me a little bark today

It gRRRRROCKS when you join our team!