Dearest Stamper,

    I've got to tell you how proud I am to work with you.  I've met so many nice demonstrators that just LOVE YOU!  In fact, I met a group of them Wednesday night.  They're from Illinois, Wisconsin & Tennessee & are just about as nice as nice can be! 

Lana sent you a birthday card that is da bomb!  It features those pom-poms & birthday set that just came out in the Occasions Mini catalog.  I'll give it to you on your half birthday March 6th, but if you won't tell her, I'll give you & our stampin' friends a quick preview.


Jennifer She must really like you a lot!  In fact, they all do!  Here I am with Jennifer from Wisconsin.  We just keep running into each other!  We started & ended the day together!  She & Lana are all part of your MidWest fan club!

I'm coming home with LOTS of good ideas to share at the Stamin'Ista Stamp Fest on January 22nd.  Today is the last day that your stampin' friends can get in for the value priced Early Bird rate.  They can register here today & save.

Stamper, you're the best & I love being your pawsonal assistant!

>>>>>> Hey Ann!  You're right!  I AM wonderful!  Still miss you though!

Send me a little bark today