Things were buzzing here yesterday! Ann was chasing me around with that big machine on a stick. Human, oh human! That thing makes too much noise! It shocked me into remembering to remind you that it's your last chance to get the Vanilla Hodgepodge Hardware kit for only $18.99!
I'm working on Ann to teach this cool technique soon. But you don't have to wait for her. My demonstrator friend Betty made it for a Stampin' Up! contest. Then Stampin' Up! shared it with the instructions with all the other demonstrators so that they could teach classes. Betty did a fine job so that YOU would have an easier time starting out as a demonstrator.
Ann has a few things up her sleeve to help you too! I guard the 24/7 Stampers part of this site so that they can have projects & forms to be better demonstrators.
Yes, besides, video director & blog writer extraordinaire, I have som typical dog duties too. I'll be guarding the stamps when Ann goes to the Stampin' Up! convention. Here's a picture of the stage with my friend & confidante, Shelli Gardner (Stampin' Up! CEO to you) in silhouette. She always knows how to make
an entrance.
And here's Ann & Jolene. They really took Salt Lake City by storm! Maybe you can go with Ann next year!
Got questions? Check out my Help Wanted page. And be sure to drop me an email. I know everything about this business that Ann doesn't.
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